2015 - 16 FTC Season
We know one thing about RES-Q -
Here are links to the materials for this season from FIRST:
Game Manuals
Game Manual Part II (pdf)
Game Materials -
Game Logo (.zip)
Forum Documentation -
FTC Forum - Available September 23, 2015
FTC Forum Answered Questions - Available in October)
Playing Field Materials and Manuals -
Purchase FIRST RES-Qsm Playing Fields and Elements from AndyMark
Low-Cost Field Perimeter Build Guide (pdf)
Team Materials
Autonomous Period:
The game starts with a 30-second Autonomous period where robots are operated via pre-programmed instructions only. Robots gain points by: "resetting" Rescue Beacons, delivering Climbers to a Shelter, parking on the Mountain, and parking in the Rescue Beacon Repair Zone or Floor Goal.
Driver-Controlled Period:
During the Driver-Controlled period, teams retrieve up to five Debris at a time from the playing field and place them in Mountain Goals or Floor Goals. Debris may not be de-scored from the Mountain Goals but may be de-scored from the Floor Goals. Robots also scale the Mountains to release Climbers that slide down a Zip Line to safety.
End Game:
The final 30-seconds of the Driver-Controlled period is called the End Game. In addition to the Driver-Controlled period tasks, robots earn bonus points in the End Game by hanging from the Pull-up Bar on the topmost vertical section of the Mountain and claiming an All Clear Signal for their alliance.
Autonomous Period Scoring:
Robot Parked in a Rescue Beacon Repair Zone 5 points
Robot Parked in a Floor Goal 5 points
Robot on the Mountain and Touching the Floor 5 points
Robot Parked on the Mountain Low Zone 10 points
Robot Parked on the Mountain Mid Zone 20 points
Robot Parked on the Mountain High Zone 40 points
Rescue Beacon Illuminated for an Alliance 20 points per side
Climber in a Shelter 10 points per Climber
Driver-Controlled Period Scoring:
Debris Scored in a Floor Goal 1 point each
Debris Scored in a Mountain Low Zone Goal 5 points each
Debris Scored in a Mountain Mid Zone Goal 10 points each
Debris Scored in a Mountain High Zone Goal 15 points each
Robot on the Mountain and Touching the Floor 5 points
Robot Parked on the Mountain Low Zone 10 points
Robot Parked on the Mountain Mid Zone 20 points
Robot Parked on the Mountain High Zone 40 points
Climber Released/Slid Down the Zip Line 20 points each
Climber in a Shelter 10 points per Climber
End Game Scoring:
Robot Completely Supported by the Pull-up Bar 80 points
Claim an All Clear Signal 20 points per Signal
RES-Q Scoring