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We had a great day at the Wheeler Qualifier!  We got to see old friends, make new ones, and play with robots too.  Our robot had electrical problems but we ended up Winning the Rockwell Collins Innovate Award, 2nd Place PTC Design Award, 3rd Place Think Award, and 3rd Place Inspire!  We're going on to State next week. 

Award against shirt back 3
Hanging - 012916 - under own power - side view
Field - Drive Team Closeup - grainey
Wheeler - 5940 and 9785 teamed up on field
Wheeler - Robot on field during autonomous - full field
Wiring - motors with tape - LEDs in place - zip ties
William fitting new servos into 3D mounts
Wheel Hub - Axel view
Sponsor Shields
Sliders - endpoint with hoop attached and line - with labels
Slider Stop - End View - with labels
Screen Shot - Phone with A1 to A4 programs listed
Round Spacer for Arm with channel and bolt heads shown - with labels
Reel - new one mounted with cables - closeup
Notebook - JP selecting pages for summary page
LEDs - Kate installing
LED - Robot with Green LEDs running - top view
LED - Robot with Green LEDs running - side view
Browncoats - Help with crimping wiring
Kate working on template for Lexan - smile
Jordan bending Lexan with Father
Hanging - 012916 - with JOrdan happy 2
Field - Robot with arms extended at attached to hang - Wheeler
Field - Robot on ramp with audience at Wheeler
Field - Robot manuevering onto ramp with audience at Wheeler
Field - Field One at start of match - Wheeler
Lexan - Two with Numbers on Sizing Box
Field - End of Match - Nearly Hanging - Wheeler
Field - Drive team with smiles - Robot hanging - Wheeler
Electronics - Side View fitting Lexan and Flag
Drving - All 3 at drivers station
Driving - 020416 -Duo Driving with robot mid-field
Driving - 013116 - Robot approaching ramp
Drivers station - Clipboard mounted to the cascade effect station
Autonomous Programming JP 011616
iPhone 020616 563
LED - Robot with Green LEDs running - side view
Award against shirt back

Wheeler Qualifier

We want to thank our Mentor Rob of Cronos for all his help on Notebook this season and for his team winning the Control Award and placing 9th in field performance at the Wheeler Qualifier!

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