The Rockin’ Robots started with FIRST LEGO League in the fall of 2009. Even though they started a month late, the team still made a very good showing the first year. The team did well all three years in FLL. As the team members grew so did our FIRST program at Faith with our moving up to FTC team in the Ring It Up 2012-13 season and the addition of Jr. FLL, and FLL teams. Faith continues to have teams in FTC, FLL, and FLL, Jr. actively competing.
We are a Middle School team and our team has been composed of only 6th, 7th, and 8th graders since we started. Our school has been very supportive of our team since the beginning. We were been provided a dedicated Lego room for our FTC & FLL teams before the Block Party season, and fellow students and faculty have come to many of our competitions. Our Coaches are parents who volunteer their time to support our team.
The Block Party season (2013-14) saw us win 2nd Place Innovate Award at our first meet of the year, win the Think Award! at our second meet of the year, go to the Georgia State FTC Competition and be Captain of the Finalist Alliance and win the Rockwell Collins Innovate Award, and then advanced to the South Super Regional in San Antonio, Texas. We were able to both hang and raise the flag during several matches. Hanging worked well from the outset and we improved the mechanic of the design throughout the year so that it became very reliable. It was the highlight of our competition work.
​The 2014-15 Cascade Effect season was up and down with amazing performance at a qualifier and Super-Regionals and less stellar performance at State. Our first qualifier we were dead last - only team not to be nominated for any award at all. At the Wheeler Qualifier we came back and won Inspire and Captained an Alliance. At State we had robot problems and took 2nd Place Think, were an alternate to Super Regionals, and thought the season was over. We were called and went to Super Regionals and had an amazing couple of days: we were the 4th Alliance Captain (Ochoa), placed 6th overall in the Qualifier (7 wins, 1 loss - Ochoa), and were 19th Place Overall - which earned us a place at Worlds! At Worlds we had 4 wins and 5 losses and had an amazing time.
Our 2015-16 Res-Q season was amazing! We did well at the opening qualifier at Douglas County and learned a LOT about the game and the new Android system. We worked hard, held two scrimages and build days at school for other teams, and went to the Wheeler qualifer. Our robot was plagued by electrical gremlins all through Wheeler but we won 1st Place Rockwell Collins Innovate, 2nd Place PTC Design, and 3rd Place Think awards. We had a week to get the robot in shape for State. We went to state after reworking the entire electrical system on the robot trying to track down that gremlin. We did well on the floor and were able to Captain the 3rd Alliance. We also won the 3rd Place Connect Award, 2nd Place PTC Design Award, and won the Inspire Award! We then advanced to the South Super Regional in San Antonio, Texas.

We are a Middle School team
from Faith Luthern School
in Marietta, Georgia.
South Super Regional
Georgia FTC Championship
1st Place Inspire
2nd Place PTC Design Award
3rd Place Connect Award
Captain of the 3rd Alliance
Wheeler Qualifier
3rd Place Inspire
1st Place Rockwell Collins Innovate
2nd Place PTC Design Award
3rd Place Think Award
Douglas Co Qualifier
1st Place Think Award
Finalist Alliance
3rd Place PTC Design Award
2015-16 SEASON