CSRisks is a wholesale insurance broker located in Atlanta that focuses on unique exposures stemming from management and professional liability risks. We employ experienced professionals who believe strongly in the products they secure and the agents they serve. Our professionals have an average work experience of more than 10 years in the business. All of our seasoned professionals have at least one designation such as a Certified Insurance Counselor, or Registered Professional Liability Underwriter. We stay abreast of current industry developments, using our knowledge to provide the highest level of expertise and guidance to you. We have been in business for more than 20 years, and look forward to serving you for the next 20 years.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 112,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. We would like to specifically thank Mr. Czerwonka who works at Lockheed Marietta for nominating us for their sponsorship.
Hiscox specializes in protecting professional service businesses, tailoring coverage to specific small business needs. Hiscox is a leading specialist insurer, headquartered in Bermuda, with roots dating back to 1901. We are not a traditional insurer. We target specific types of insurance in which we develop expertise, often focusing on areas other insurers find too complex to insure. By challenging convention in each specific market we offer market leading products and services to US businesses.
Reinforcement Unlimited is a Behavioral and Clinical consultation group specializing in pediatric issues, psychological diagnosis, Autism and Aspergers disorders, and education located in Metro-Atlanta. Their consultants have published and presented worldwide on issues relating to pediatric behavior and mental health issues.
Thanks to our Sponsors
In addition to our school and parents, the following companies have generously donated to the Rockin' Robots to support our team. We appreciate their support!
Dell is a long-time supporter of FIRST. We were very happy to be awarded a Veteran FTC Team grant from Dell through FIRST of Texas this season. The Dell grant is aimed to serving teams in financial need around the various Dell campuses. More specifically, Dell is looking to provide financial support to those teams who prove that they need it, and prove that they can use this grant to make a difference in their communities. Thank you Dell for your support!
Backed by EMC, the leader in enterprise storage, Syncplicity is the world’s most secure file sharing and collaboration solution. We are part of a $22 billion dollar company with 60,000 employees and over 25,000 businesses and individuals who rely on us to deliver secure solutions with exceptional performance. We are proud to employ Silicon Valley’s best talent—people who are dedicated to, and even a bit obsessed with, redefining file sharing and revolutionizing the way we work. Our use of Syncplicity this season has made collaboration with our Coaches and Mentors possible. Whether they were in Boston, Americus, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo, or simply in Woodstock Syncplicity meant that we could all participate in the writing, review, and development of our robot and documentation of it for our Engineering Notebook!
PTC (Nasdaq: PTC) delivers technology solutions that transform the way companies create, operate and service their products. PTC solutions enable manufacturers to achieve Product and Service Advantage in a smart, connected world. We appreciate that PTC makes Creo available for use for free to FIRST teams. We have used their program extensively for the past two seasons and want to say how much we appreciate the program and the online support and training made available to us by PTC! We were also awarded a PTC Grant for this season, thank you PTC for your support!
3D Systems provides the most advanced and comprehensive 3D digital design and fabrication solutions available today, including 3D printers, print materials and cloud-sourced custom parts. Its powerful ecosystem transforms entire industries by empowering professionals and consumers everywhere to bring their ideas to life using its vast material selection, including plastics, metals, ceramics and edibles. We were fortunate enough to have been awarded one of the 3D Cube printers sponsored by 3DSystems and Coca-Cola this season.

Individual Faith Donors
Lorraine Judson
Peggy Kremer
Kimberly Kremer
Wm & Linda Smith
Bob & Denise Angrisani
Robert Gadaleta
Hieu Tran
Pamela Missimer
Athena Pickett
Ward Irvin
Georgia Power is the largest subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), the premier energy company serving the Southeast through its subsidiaries. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.4 million customers in all but four of Georgia's 159 counties. Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy at rates below the national average, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, advanced coal and natural gas, renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind, as well as a variety of energy efficiency programs. Consistently recognized as a leader in customer service, Georgia Power was recently ranked highest in overall business customer satisfaction among large utilities in the South by J.D. Power and Associates. For more information, visit www.GeorgiaPower.com and connect with the company on Facebook (Facebook.com/GeorgiaPower) and Twitter (Twitter.com/GeorgiaPower).
GeorgiaFIRST, through their FTC Program, has sponsored the Rockin' Robots in two ways this season - they paid our fees to participate in Super-Regionals in San Antonio and through a fund-raiser they raised some of the fee for the World FTC fee for the team. We appreciate the support of GeorgiaFIRST and all those who bought T-shirts this season to help support Georgia FTC teams going to the 2015 FIRST World's in St. Louis.